Welcome to our blog!!

A new blog has been born for you students!!

This blog pretends to be a useful tool outside the classroom. We want you to improve your English and back your learning in different ways. We hope you can take advantage of it!!

The English Department at IES GALLICUM.


Hi to everyone!!

 As we are at Christmas, I leave here a link to an Advent Calendar I received this week. You can have a look at it this Christmas and know more about how Christmas is celebrated in other countries.


Bye for now,


As you know, we have published some pictures of your recipes in Sección de Villanueva de Gállego. They were great!! We thank you all for your effort!!


22 comentarios:

  1. On Friday, I am going to Zaragoza for shopping.
    On Saturday, I am going to the cinema with my friends.
    On Sunday, I am going out with my friends.
    Bye for now,
    Patricia Cruz 2ºA

  2. On Friday, I am going to Embid de Ariza.
    On Saturday I am going to the field with my grandfather in the morning, and then, I am going to the mountain in the afternoon.
    On the Sunday, I am going to the cinema with my friends.
    Bye for now,
    Ruben Albaiceta Arana 2ºA

  3. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  4. On Friday,I am meeting with my friends.
    On Saturday,I am going to Zaragoza for shopping.
    On Friday,I am making lunch for a St.George.
    Bye for now,
    Maria Atienza 2ºA

  5. On Friday i´m playing the guitar and then i am going to swim.
    On Saturday afternoon i´m going to the cienma with my firends.
    On Sunday morning i´m not going to the church xD and on Sunday evening i´m going to a party;)

    Happy weekend!

    Cristina Dominguez 2ºA

  6. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  7. On Friday I´m riding a bike in the afternoon.
    On Saturday I´m playing P.S.3 in the morning and in the afternoon I´m going to Zaragoza.
    On Sunday I´m meeting my friends.

    Bye for now.

    Juli M. Abad 2ºA

  8. On Friday I am doing my homework
    On Saturday in the morning my cousing are going to Zuera and in the evening I am meeting my friends
    On Sunday I going to a village of Teruel for see to my friends
    bye for now
    Miguel Lozano 2ºA

  9. On Friday I go with my friends

    On saturday I finish my homework

    On sunday I go the cinema

    Bye for now
    Celia bordonaba 2º A

  10. On Friday, I am going out with my friends.
    On Saturday, I am going to Zaragoza for shopping.
    On Sunday, I am going to the cinema.

    Lucia García Murillo 2ºB

  11. On Friday I went to Zaragoza for shopping. On Saturday I am going to play tennis match in Zuera. On Sunday I am going to ride my bike in the morning and in the afternoon I am going to the cinema.

  12. What do you think about the mobiles phones?
    The mobile phones have got good and bad thinks.
    Some thinks good of the mobile phones:
    -The mobile phones are wireless.This feature is very
    confortable as you can use the mobile phones anywhere.
    -The mobiles phones have got a lot of applications:
    voice recorder..
    -With mobile phone you can comunicatte with any person
    wherever they are.
    -If you have a mobile with internet you can connect to
    social networks(facebook,tuenti,twitter).You can send
    free messsages and search information.
    Bad thinks about the mobile phones:
    -The price of the mobile phones is very high.
    -The mobile transmit harmful radiation.
    -Because of all the attractive games or webs on the
    mobile phones.
    Therefore the mobiles phones can be your friend or you
    enemy...But I love my mobile phones.

  13. What do you think about the mobiles phones?
    The mobiles phones are both good and bad:
    It is good because of you can use the mobile phone in emergency and send a messages. In addition you can listen to music and the most importante for drivers, you can activate the hands free dial and speak when you are driving.
    But not everything is good, you can become adicted¡
    The least important is you can't use under the water. You must charged it for the mobile phone will be on. And the important information, the mobile phone produce radiation¡¡¡ it is bad por ours health

  14. On Friday I am going out with my friends at 06:00 p.m.
    On Saturday I am going to horse riding in Peñaflor at 12:00 a.m.
    On Sunday I am going to Zaragoza for lunch with my family at 01:00 p.m.
    Bye for now
    Clhoe Gracia Lafaja 2ºB

  15. On Friday I am going to Zaragoza with my grand-parents
    On Saturday I am going to see football match
    On Sunday I am going to study english very much
    On Monday I am not going to school, I am going out with my friends.
    Víctor Olivera Peguero 2ºB

  16. Advantages of mobile phones:
    - You can use them in emergencies.
    - You can call or send messages someone from wherever you mavy be, if you have coverage.
    - You can plug in headphones, not to disturb.
    - You can activate the hands free and speak while you doing something else.
    - If you are bored, you can use.
    Disadvantages of mobile phones:
    - You can't use it under water.
    - You can't call or send messages if you haven't coverage.
    - You can lose it.
    - You have to load it often.

  17. On Friday I am going to my football training.
    On Saturday I am playing a football match.
    On Sunday I am meeting my friends.
    Bye for now.
    Jorge Navarro Nadal 2ºA.

  18. What do you think about the mobiles phones?
    -The mobile phones can comunicate persons.
    -The phones can be fun.
    -The new mobile phones have lots of applications and you can have internet.
    But too the mobiles phoones can be bath:
    -The phones can create addiction.
    -If you use a lot of the mobile phone, you will suspend

    Victor Cavero 3ºA

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  19. on friday I`m going to my football training
    on saturday I`m playing a football match with my team.
    on sunday I`m going to zaragoza for shopping.
    bye for now
    victor bolea macipe 2ºA

  20. I think the mobile phones are both bad and good.
    There are many great thing. You can talk with your friends all time. You can save pictures and music in them. You can leave a message.
    But too mobile phona can be bad. You can need the mobile phone all time, and miss many more activities that you can have.
    Therefore, i like the mobile phones, but also have bad things.
    Irene Galve 3º A

  21. On Friday, I am going to Zaragoza with my parents
    On Saturday, I´m playing basketball.
    On Sunday, I am going out with my friends.
    Bye for now
    Cristina Larqué Sus 2ºB

  22. On Friday, I am going out with my friends.
    On Saturday, I am playing football with my team.
    On Sunday, I am doing the homework and I am studing gor the exams.
    Bye for now
    Jerónimo Martín 2Bº.
